Grief is another word for love.

If you are grieving the sudden loss of a loved one, you don't have to do it alone.

Bridging Grief & Hope

Grieving is how we deal with loss, but there are healthy ways to grieve that lead to personal growth, and we want to give you the helpful tools and strategies we discovered through our own grief. 

Deal with Anger, Ideas For Honoring Your Loved One, First Hour Grief Response - Fall 2018 Newsletter - Hug, Funeral Homes And Planning

Experienced and Empathetic Grief Coaches.

Your first visit is free and will consist of us getting to know you and assessing where you are on your grief journey. Sessions usually last 60-90 minutes, and most people will schedule subsequent appointments weekly. There is a $75 fee for each additional session, but no one will be turned away based on their ability to pay.

Deal with Anger, Ideas For Honoring Your Loved One, First Hour Grief Response - Fall 2018 Newsletter - Hug, Funeral Homes And Planning

Experienced and empathetic mentors.

Your first visit is free and will consist of us getting to know you and assessing where you are on your grief journey. Sessions usually last 90 minutes, and most people will schedule subsequent appointments weekly. We do charge $50 per visit after the initial visit, but we never turn anyone away based on their ability to pay.

Find a Resource.

From community groups, to legal assistance, to education, we have a number of resources to help you or someone you know who may be grieving.  

Find a resource.

From community groups to legal assistance to education, we have a number of resources to help you or someone you know who may be grieving.

First Hour Grief Response - Fall 2018 Newsletter - Navigating The Holidays

Schedule a Speaker.

Request a FHGR speaker to help your large or small group understand the grieving process, navigate the holidays, and/or walk alongside those who are grieving.  

First Hour Grief Response - Fall 2018 Newsletter - Navigating The Holidays

Schedule a speaker.

We’re happy to talk to groups about how they can help others in the grieving process and prepare them for navigating the holidays.


Upcoming events facilitated or sponsored by FHGR can be found here.

Find an event.

If you’re looking for a group or event we run or sponsor, you can find it here.

The Community that Cares.

Over 1,000 Grieving People Served

$15,000 in Scholarships Awarded

$412K in Donations Needed

Talk to us. We're good listeners.