Everyone who met him has Zachariah’s Story.
Reviewing books can be a daunting task. I always appreciate it when someone trusts my judgment enough to share my opinion, and although I always want to be authentic, I still feel a little pressure to put the Zachariah’s Story in the best possible light. This isn’t a hard thing to do with this book choice.
Zachariah was a unique and precious soul, taken from earth to Heaven at age 22. He was able to to positively affect the lives of so many in that short time. He was born with multiple physical and intellectual ailments, but his loving family never allowed that to affect their desire to adopt him and care for him till his last day. A friend of the Hamptons said this:

The author, who is Zachariah’s adoptive father, has done a terrific job of sharing personal stories and blending them with his faith in God and how he has, after ten years, been able to reconcile the gain, the pain, and the loss.

I could go on and on with quotes and assurances that you will be stirred and changed if you read Zachariah’s Story, but it is up to you to make that judgment when you read it. It is available on kindle as well as paperback at a very reasonable price, and one I would pass on to others grieving the loss of a child, and also for those who care for a child with special needs.