If you are scrolling through this website, you most likely have had one of the most sad and unfortunate events happen in your life:  someone you love very much has died. The cliche, “that we can only count on two things in life—death and taxes,” is not a given! One can avoid paying their taxes, but will probably end up heavily fined or in a jail cell. And as far as death goes? Well, that depends on your faith and what god you worship. It’s a good idea to number our days, so that we can make the most of the time we have been given, don’t you agree? 

When I was a young Christian, I was taught that Jesus could return to take us to heaven at any moment, so to number my days was an important concept as I strived to follow God. I wanted to make sure I was in good standing, should He call my name! 

This event can occur in one of two ways.  First of all, we don’t know when GOD will fulfill the prophecy that His Son will come to redeem the church, His bride. Secondly, our lives are like a vapor—we have no idea when our last heartbeat will thump in our chest. 

My purpose today is to encourage us all to make the very most of the moment-to not take for granted the blessings that remain, and to be content with what we currently have, and love those we are privileged to walk with on this journey. If you still find it difficult to conjure an attitude of thankfulness, I hope you will reach out to someone-a family member, friend, coworker, and of course, make the call or fill out the Contact Us to First Hour. Our purpose is to help people deal with all the emotions that come with grief in healthy ways.

Click on the link below to hear a dear soul, who understands grief, numbering our days in a beautiful way! 

Feel the need to share? 

If you would like to share your story on our blog or privately with one of our grief counselors, please submit it to us through the Contact page.

*If you would like your story shared publicly on our blog, please omit, or replace names of person’s that have not consented to their name being used. With your permission and upon review, we will do what we can to share as many people’s stories as possible. 

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