Reading books and articles about other folks journeys, whether it’s about grief, addiction, or the like, can sometimes leave me feeling “less than”—like, there is no way I can deal with this like SHE/HE did. I didn’t get that feeling at all while reading “Joe’s Table.”  

The author and mom of Joe Chung, Stephanie, openly takes us with her, barring no honest emotion that might accompany the life of a family with a child with special needs might encounter. Joe is born with autism, and has severe seizures almost daily, but his differences didn’t get in the way of his desire and ability to love God, socialize, and love on people. Throughout his life, his parents envisioned a place where Joseph, and others like him, could work alongside each other and with those who didn’t have a disability. Before the dream could be realized, Joseph died very unexpectedly. 

After wrestling with depression and grief, and crying out to God throughout, Stephanie comes to some very soul cleansing conclusions. I had so many epiphanies, I couldn’t possibly pen them all down. This deeply spiritual book has been an excellent testimony of how a disability can become a blessing. It also does a deep dive on how the long battle with an autistic son made her understand God’s providence and compassion. 

The last chapter was of the most helpful to me and one I will reference often when counseling other grieving moms. No matter who you are missing today, I believe “Joe’s Table” will be a blessing and offer hope to all who read it!  

Find it at this link on Amazon, or your local library. 

Joe’s Table – A True Story: A Place Where Disabilities Become Gifts

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