The Death of Dreams
One of the most harsh realities we might come to when someone we love dies, is understanding that what we hoped and planned for the future is gone, too! We lose…
One of the most harsh realities we might come to when someone we love dies, is understanding that what we hoped and planned for the future is gone, too! We lose…
There are so many things that change in our lives when we are new to this grief journey. Very few of those seem positive, and we long for who we were,…
Most of us have been given five senses with which to use on a daily basis. At times, they can be the foundation of triggers that may be pleasant, or…
When it comes to visiting the resting place of our loved one, there are varying levels of what is helpful or even culturally appropriate. When my elder brother passed, my…
One of the many possible symptoms we can experience after the death of someone we love, is the inability to focus or concentrate like we used to! Before the death…
I’ve enjoyed reading and writing since I was a child. I thank my mother for that! It is surely in the genes—she read constantly, and had hopes of her own…
Time is a strange thing—an irreversible continuum at whose mercy we live and breathe. Days can seem like just moments, and hours like weeks. At no time is this vexing…
The brain is the most powerful organ in our bodies. John Hopkins Medicine says “ The brain controls your ability to think, talk, feel, see, hear, remember things, walk and…
Loss by Suicide in Teens and Children has been heavy on my heart recently as I have seen some close friends suffering these losses. I have been asking myself many…
They found me. I was hiding from all of the Thanksgiving merriment in the basement, napping on the couch in a dimly lit room. My daughter and her husband came…